viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

Characteristics of Sinaloa

Sinaloa, Mexico.

This is a state ubicated in the Northwestern Mexico, it is borded by Sonora, in the north Chihuahua and Durango in the east. It´s capital is Culiacan, also it has important cities like Mazatlan and Los Mochis. 

In Sinaloa their principal resources are tomatoes, beans, corn, wheat, sorghum, potatoes, soybeans, sugarcane and squash.

Here there arent big resources of water because there climate is almost dessert. Sinaloa is  transversed by many rivers, which carve into foothills. There larger rivers are Culiacan,Fuerte and Sinaloa.

Some of the physical characteristics include that has a warm climate on the coastal side, moderately warm in the valleys and foothills, moderately cold in the lower mountains and cold in the higher elevations. Its weather characteristics vary from subtropical, found on the plains, to cold in the nearby mountains

Political geography:

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